I hit the ground running since the first day here...
We started out in Santa Cruz, Bolivia and I taught at the Seminary where I shared about the importance of Bi-Vocational work and missions. I shared from 1st hand experience how the Lord is allowing me to find work that helps us pay the bills and still stay working in missions. It was a great time and they seemed surprised that I would have to work in order to do what I am doing. I shared with them that 98% of people working in missions or the church in the 2/3rds world have to do so in order to survive. Great questions followed about what I thought would be a good business or line of work to be in...I asked them..."What do you love to do most?"
Next I took a 10 hour bus trip to a town where we caught a flight to the next town named, Riberalta. In Riberalta, we began teaching the first night to a packed crowd. The church had no roof on it because the men of the church were trying to remove and replace all the boards and metal roofing. We were able to teach in the building and under the stars at the same time. It was a great time and more than 70 participants sat night after night to learn about world missions and how they could be involved personally. I had a chance to speak at several churches before I left that city. It's hard to believe that God would actually have me speaking to people, that I never thought I would meet, about a subject that is so close to His heart...it's a real blessing.
Now we are in Guayaramerin, Bolivia. We arrived after a dusty 1.5 hour trip on red clay roads that go for miles and miles through the jungle. By the time we arrived, my white hair was pink for the added color. I welcomed the shower that night even though the water was freezing. After the much needed shower and a cold Coca-Cola I was taxied on the back of a motor cycle to my preaching engagement. I have learned to balance my large framed body on the back of a speeding moto while answering question after question from the fellow driving me. The second time a fellow hauled me on his moto he said..."Man you are big...meaning fat!" I said, "Yeah, and you are short....meaning short!" We both had a great laugh.
We have a group in Guayaramerin of about 80 participants. I am also teaching in the early morning on Ethics and Missions. There are about 20 Seminary students. It is fun to use stories from the Bible to teach on True Biblical Ethics.
At the internet yesterday I met a man, because he asked me if I spoke English. When I said I do, he asked me to please listen to this message on his phone and tell him what it said. I did, and then he wanted to talk more. He asked me what I was doing here in town and where I was from. We got past all that and then he asked what I do...."I am a missionary." His eyes grew closer as he concentrated on what I had said and he asked..."For Who?" I told him that I was Evangelical...meaning Christian. That opened up a discussion for the next hour. He was talking about all kinds of things and requirements and all about being a good person. Finally, I stopped him and said, "Brother I don't know about all of that, what I do know is that Jesus is Lord and that he died on the cross for your sins and mine and we can accept him and spend eternity in heaven...or we can reject him and spend eternity in hell." Jose got quiet. He asked me where I was teaching. I told him. He said that he would be there tonight. I said fine...."God Bless you." And I walked away.
Last night after I had already taught, they came to get me to tell me that I had a visitor. It was Jose. I pulled up a chair for him and he sat and listened for a while. Then invited me to go through his factory today...at 1030am. I accepted.
After he left, my friend Jimmy told me, "Wick do you know who he is?" I said he is Jose. Jimmy said he is the local priest and is well known in this area. I said...."No me digas?" You don't say?
Later the leaders of the Seminary asked me why the priest was sitting with me. I told them that he had questions about missions and that he had invited me to lunch today....they said...."No me Digas?"
God is so good...
Pray for me as I walk...no stumble... through the many doors that are opened up to me...I need your prayers
In Bolivia,
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