Last night was the culmination of a week of teaching the Envoy World Impact Seminar. I would say that the house was packed, but we were outside trying to cool off during the teaching.
Because of the heat in this part of Bolivia, I waited until the last possible minutes to change from shorts and a lite shirt to long pants and a dressier shirt. By the time I had walked the 100 feet to the place where I had set up my power point to teach with...I was soaked. During lunch the other day, I asked one of the fellows at the table..."Do you have a winter season here?" He looked at me with great surprise and said, "We are in it!"
We had a great turn out of folks interested in missions. This little city of 42 thousand, is just catching on. If we were counting numbers, this city would have won the attendance record. Ten churches were represented among the 62 people that attended each night. Two nights ago we had taught on giving. We announced that we were going to share a need about a Bolivian missionary and that we wanted them to pray about what God is telling them to give to help this sick fellow. Last night we took up an offering after reading a letter from him. He is in Africa and has Malaria...Malaria is bad enough...but when you are single and away from family...those that care for you and watch out for can be a very very lonely feeling. Many in the crowd last night were moved to tears even though they have never met this brother in physical pain. During one of the breaks...we took up an offering. To say it turned out OK, would have been what we expected for the first missions offering. But what God did was show me and others what He can do when He moves His people. Last night that small group of people raised over 902 Bolivianos. That's about $120.00 bucks. When it was announced, there was a huge applause from little round people who are normally very stoic. God had begun his work in the hearts of people in Guayaramerin even before we arrived. We can ready the horses for battle, but it is God who wins it.
Tonight I will speak to the youth. There will be about 70, they say. Pray that I will share what God wants me to share and not what I think is easy or fun to share. Pray with me, so that I will not dumb down the Gospel.
Tomorrow I travel to another city...two plane rides...some dusty roads...some warm Coca-Cola...and I will be there.
In Bolivia,
PS...I want to thank all of you who support us in our is vital. Before I left,some brothers helped me financially so that I could be able to go on this trip. Many times during my travels, God shows me things that need to be taken care of with money that people have placed in my hand. These people in other countries, separated by thousands of miles and their cultural differences, may never meet their helpers this side of heaven. But...When we all get home....these faithful men and woman who give from their resources will be approached by people they had never met before....until then....and then there will be great Holy laughter.
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