The other day, we went to a lake with some friends who have a boat. They have all boys and we have all girls. When it came time to get the boat out of the water it also began to rain. I pulled my car closer, but stayed in while it rained, and watched the dad and his oldest boy get out and then the mom…I waited to see if the other two boys were going to climb out of their car to help the others…they did not…nor did I climb out of mine.
Cindy asked, “Are you going to get out and help?” I said, “No, I am waiting to see if those other two boys get out to help.” I was angry at the other two boys as they sat in the comfy dry car and let their dad, brother and mom do all the work of hooking the boat up to take it out of the water.
As we drove home…it ate at me, as I realized, that I had done the exact thing as the two boys that did not get involved. I sat in my dry car to see if they were going to do what they should be doing…and when they did not…NEITHER DID I!
The numbing slap in the face hit me on the drive home...I let my friend down...and set a horrible example at the same time. I was as useless as the two that sat in the car while their dad, brother and mom did all the work.
I apologized to my girls and explained what I had done and how I would never do that particular thing wrong again…sure I would do other things wrong…but not that one particular thing. I also apologized to my dear friend and his son when they came over for supper an hour later.
When I sat and watched…and did not engage in what needed to be done because I was waiting for, two other very capable people to get in there and get involved, I became just as guilty. I did not help. I could have and should have and did not lift a finger.
I learned a great life lesson that day. Missions and mission’s work and those who support the mission are much the same. Some get in there…but most just watch from the sidelines cause they probably think that someone else will do what it takes.
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