Earlier this morning, I had a chance to take my daughter, Emily, for a cup of Joe. We walked into Starbucks and immediately started greeting people that we knew. As I stepped up to the counter, I was nudged on the shoulder. I turned to see a dear friend and as I said, “Hey Lou,” he placed two folded five- dollar bills into my hand and said with a smile, “Donna and I want to bless you this morning.”
I smiled, stepped out of line and took some time to speak to Donna and thanked them again. I stepped back up to the counter, tucked my debit card back into my wallet and handed the guy behind the counter the money that Lou and Donna had just given me. Money that I did not work for, nor was I expecting. I looked at Emily who said, “Daddy, isn’t that so good?” I said, “Emily, God takes care of us!”
Taking our free coffee and old fashioned doughnuts outside to sit at a round metal table and talk, we met some other friends, who had seen what Lou and Donna had just done. They commented on it and I smiled and said, “Isn’t that cool?”
Little miracles like this have happened again and again to us during our years in ministry. God has proven Himself, ready and willing to be there…Just in Time. It is because of the way that He chooses to do things, that I call Him a…”Just in Time God.”
This morning was a small thing…maybe an insignificant thing to my friends Lou and Donna…but it was a huge thing for me…because once again it proved to me that He is watching, waiting and wanting to show that He knows me better than I know myself. God seeks to prove to me that He is able to provide all that I need. I also love the fact that, God proves Himself in front of my kids.
Over the years, my girls have been eye witnesses to God’s miraculous provisions whether big or small and they have grown up witnessing that God is not only a “Just in Time God” but that He is a “Can Do God.” When things looked bleakest, God came through. When we needed cars…God came through. When we needed groceries…God came through. When someone needed a special dress…God came through. When we needed a vacation…that’s right…God came through on that too…and He did it…in most cases…Just in Time!
I want to encourage you to look for God moments, for the times when something that should not have worked out…but does. When you think you don’t have enough in the account to support a teen on a mission trip…but find an error in the checkbook…just enough to help send the teen…on a trip… that may change their life. I want to encourage you to do something crazy…not stupid, like going to the Hummer dealership when a used VW bug will do the job, but something crazy like…buying someone else something…or writing a check that may stretch you a bit…but to give it to someone who needs it. I want to encourage you to find out something that somebody needs…and go get it…brand new…and give it to them. Don’t give someone else your leftovers so that you can get a new one for yourself. Give someone your best…something that cost you something and then watch God work. Likely, He will do it… Just in Time!
The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Galatians 5:14
Wick Jackson
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