Thursday, October 29, 2009

Where were you… when I said, 'This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt'? Job 38:11

Dear Lord,

This morning I want to praise you. I want to exalt you because you are God and there is no other like you. You have set the boundaries for every living thing and have said, “this far you may come and no farther.” I sit with mans ears listening to the waves as they sing praise to you this morning. Their singing never ceases and their praise never ceases and their living never ceases. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

My ears can only hear the waves like a man but they must have their own language, they must communicate. Your word says that if we won’t praise you that the very rocks will…how awesome is that. You have communication with your creation at all times and you know everything that your creation needs, because you created everything. There is nothing that we own that began with us or because of an original thought that we have had…nothing is new under the sun. You allow it to be discovered and as we, meager men, try to understand the complexities of the most minute cell you laugh and toy with us…at times, allowing us to take the credit for something we thought we created.

But we can create nothing beginning from nothing as you have done. We cannot create a new flower without first using all the resources of an original that you already created. We cannot grow things from nothing as you have done…we need your dirt…we need your water…we need the sun and the moon and the stars…all these things you created.

We are such common creatures and yet you have chosen to use us. To let us be a part of what you are doing and have done throughout history. You make our lives worth living and worth developing. You give us freedom to work and play and emotions so that we can express when we are happy and sad, elated and down trodden. You alone are God and there is no other like you in the universe. You have created it all and you are God. I will praise you when I rise and when I lie down and when I drink a good cup of coffee and when I eat a good meal. You alone deserve the praise and glory for anything I am or have.

Thank you for allowing me to sit and listen and watch the waves…they never stop…the tides have always done what the tides do. The earth has always responded to you and you alone. Our attempts to build structures to ride on your waves are like a child’s toys in a small bath to you. No… smaller… and even less significant. Your smallest waves can tear apart our greatest sea going vessel. You are awesome. Our tallest structures are brought down in a moment when you shake the wrinkles from the skirts of the earth…when the earth repositions it’s self to be more comfortable as men would do. The earth rolls over at your command and new things begin that have been hidden since you hid them in the beginning. You alone awaken the seed and make it grow and shake the waters and make new rivers. You move the waters of the world from this side to that and you decide through your great power and grace who will eat and who will not. Is that true?

Do you really decide that or is that one of those things that you have left up to us as to whether we will feed our neighbor or not. Could all be fed and all be clothed and all be loved if it were not that we are “but dust”? Isn’t there enough to go around if we were not so consumed with ourselves and what we want? Would you have made a world that is self destructive…what creator does? You would not do that. You are not sitting on the edge of your throne wondering if there is enough this or enough that. You are not wondering why you didn’t allow for changes in temperatures or the burning out of stars. You are not like the builder who has not counted the cost…you know to the penny what it will take to evangelize those you have chosen and you know to the moment when you will return. You have given us everything we need…and many times, what we want. But all the grace and all the gifts come with a price and that is that we should care for and share those things that you have so richly blessed us with.

How will the world know of your great love for them unless we show it to them? Aren’t we the means by which you intend for other men to come to know you? Animals can’t share the gospel…houses can’t share the gospel…comfortable chairs can’t share the gospel. Aren’t we the only way? Aren’t we the church? Aren’t we your bride?

Help me today Lord to not take you for granted. Help me to worship you correctly because of who you are and not because of what I might gain. Help me Lord to be content in what so ever I am doing and where so ever I am doing it. Help me not limit you, an unlimited creator God who is master over all. Help me understand more fully your majesty and greatness and awesomeness and fearsomeness and gentleness. You are God alone and there is no other. To God be glory forever and ever.

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