Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In the Eye of the Storm

Acts 27:13-44

Have you ever been in a storm? I’m not asking if you have ever sat in a cozy spot and watched a storm from a safe distance…no, no, no. I am asking have you ever been in a storm such that, you wondered if you might not survive it. Some storms can be that way. Have you ever been in a storm like that?

There is no doubt that many of us have had a few bad days. Life just happens and we get swept up into it and before we know it we have to deal with some things that are not easy to face. We all expect to go through the every day typical small shower issues of life…but when the storms hit…when we are hit blindside with things that rock our world…then what do we do?

Not many years ago I was asked to speak at something and so I began weeks before trying to prepare topics in my head. What to say…how to say it? I thought about it a lot and prayed a little but nothing came to me. Then the last week arrived and I still did not have a topic and even told the Lord that, “Hey man this is no joking matter, I need to know what to say.” Every time I sat down to read and think and try to put thoughts on the word processor, something would come up that had to be dealt with. One thing after another and one person after another had some issue that they needed help with and so it took me away from preparing my message to folks who would be listening, fixed on every word. Finally, literally the last day, a dear friend of mine, Johnny, showed up at my door at 430am and I let him in. He had been beaten and was drunk and needed someone to help him. “I’m gonna kill myself if I don’t get some help,” my ole drunk buddy told me. I laid him on the couch and covered him and told him that we would talk in the morning.

My plan was to get rid of him so that I could work on this incredible message that God wanted me to share with people. I went to bed still trying to work out a deal with God that he should give me a topic and some ideas about the message. I couldn’t fall asleep from thinking about it so much until I woke a few hours later…surprised I’d slept, but the first thing in my mind was…"What am I going to preach about?" I went in the den and smelled my friend before I saw him and walked on into the kitchen to make some strong coffee and breakfast. After breakfast I made a few calls and found out that if someone is suicidal that the hospital can’t turn them away. I made a plan.

After breakfast, Johnny and I sat and talked about his options…they were…#1. You can’t stay here. #2. You can’t stay here. And #3. You definitely can’t stay here and I gotta get you to the hospital where you can receive the help you need to survive.

Not many minutes later, as I was helping Johnny into the truck I was thinking, “This is taking all my time and here I am going to the hospital with him while I got a message to prepare and I have no clue what to share…this stinks.” I got in, slammed the door and leaned Johnny against his door. Not many minutes later we pulled into the emergency entrance of McLeod and I said, “OK buddy, this is it. We gotta go in there.” He said, “I can’t go in there Wick, they aint gonna help me.” I said, “Johnny, they have to help you. You tell them what you told me, that you are gonna kill yourself if you can’t get any help.” I went around and opened his door and we walked into that place looking like two drunken sailors. The big receptionist looked at us and asked me, “How can I help you?” I motioned with my eyes and said, “My friend needs help.” She looked at him and in the sweetest voice asked Johnny, “How can I help you baby?” He told the receptionist that he was suicidal. She looked at me and said, “We can take it from here.” I looked at Johnny, sat down with him for a second and prayed with him and then I left him there, sitting in a plastic chair and he leaned his head against the wall.

While rushing out to my truck and jumping in to go and prepare a message, that I hoped would be worth hearing, I told the Lord again how disappointed I was that he had not given me any clues as to what to speak on with the upcoming church. I cranked the truck and fussed at God again. That’s when He hit me between the eyes, like only He can. It went something like this.

“But for the grace of God, there go you.” I swallowed hard and understood not having to hear Him say it twice but he wasn’t finished. He spoke again to my spirit, “And when I sent this problem your way, that was me. And when you had to stop your trivial thinking to answer that other need, that was me. And remember the person so distraught over an issue that they have talked about so many times that you just dismissed it so that you could get back to your important speaking engagement planning…that was me in all of that.” I had tears in my eyes by now and understood that all these storms in other peoples lives may not have seemed big or scary or important to me, but they were storms to them, none the less.

I got back to my desk and my thoughts and words began to flow. I was able to remember the very recent things that had come up from folks that needed counsel or help or a shoulder to lean on and I was able to think through their storms with much less critical eyes. God gave me a message to share. He had me in the middle of his message all the time. God has a way of working through storms.

Acts 27:20
When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging, we finally gave up all hope of being saved

Have you ever given up all hope of being saved?

I have had very close friends who have given up all hope and have taken their own lives in the ultimate cry of their hopelessness.

But Christ Followers, out of all other people on earth, have a hope that no other people have…

Christ Followers have hope for, today, tomorrow and eternity.

It does not mean that we will not have to go through storms.

How many of you in here are going through some storms right now…

The storm may have started out as a gentle south wind but within a short time…we are in the fight of our lives.

For some, your storm may be the loss of a job; it may be the loss of your home. Did you panic when you saw you life savings going down the drain? Have you received a note from the doctor that they have found something that looks suspicious and so they want to run a few more test…just to be safe. Have you lost someone very dear to you recently…that is a terrible storm to go through? Or how about our children…is there something that just doesn’t make sense or seem right…and we find out why…and the thought of it crushes us as parents. Storms. Be our own or someone’s we know, in some form or other we are always dealing with storms.

In the scripture, Paul and the men on the boat in the story in Acts are going through such a violent storm that…

Vs.17 says... "They passed ropes under the ship itself to hold it together."

Have you ever wondered if you were going to be able to hold it together? Do you remember when it seemed so bad that you wondered if you were going to make it?

That is why I love these stories of people that did make it.

The scriptures are loaded with stories of people that survived the storms…

Romans 15:4
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope

We can endure… because we have hope!

We can also take hope because it is often through the storms of this life that the Lord speaks to us…gets our attention…helps us remember that He alone is God and that there is no other name by which men may be saved…saved.

Job 40:6... Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm.

We have hope because even in the worst of storms…God speaks.

On the 14th night they were still being driven across the Adriatic Sea when some of the sailors sensed that land was close…they could hear the waves breaking on the shallower waters and reefs…and panic ensues.

Acts 27:29… Fearing that we would be dashed against the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern and prayed for daylight.

Wow, that’s a storm. Have you ever feared that you were about to be dashed against the rocks? Haven’t you seen some things coming…you knew that they were gonna happen…you just didn’t know when? How did you prepare for that? What helped?

And then…in the midst of it…did you pray. Did you pray so hard that you felt sick? Like a nightmare or a long night in a bad place you just begged for daylight to break the horizon…have you ever prayed like that?

When everything around us is breaking apart and we don’t know if we can hold on any longer…that is when we need anchors in our lives. Something or someone that we can turn to and trust in that can help us hang on.

What are the anchors in our lives?

What is it that helps us hold on until the relief of daylight?

How do you make it…more importantly…how can we help someone else hold on…cause daylight is coming?

We might not see it just yet because of our storm…but daylight is coming.

Jeremiah 14:22
Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, O LORD our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this

It’s so easy to go after the worthless idols of the nations…I can think of some that I heard people talking about in the halls of church…on the phone…on TV…on radio…it’s in every conversation. We put our trust in 401 k’s instead of the Lord God. Or we put our trust in our careers…our cars…our homes…and on and on. The idols of the nations draw us in like a snake charmer lulling a dangerous beast, but the beast is only waiting for the right time to be and do what it was created for…it’s a dangerous beast…and we play around with it just like we do with all the other worthless idols of the nations. And most of us think…oh this or that will never happen to me cause I am smarter than that…and the charmer keeps us sedated…while the storms approach from every side.

Ephesians 2:12
remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world

Hope is our anchor… Hope that what God has said to us throughout all of scripture is our anchor. When nothing else makes sense…our hope in God and who he says he is, is our anchor. The God who made it all is our anchor. He knew you before you were even born and has plans for you. He is your anchor. When you were lost and without hope…he was your anchor. Now, as His own child would he leave you without an anchor…without hope? No…He is faithful and He will see you through.

Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful

Let’s Pray…

Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit

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